Microdosing for ADHD

3 min readJan 14, 2021

So here’s the thing, my ADHD hasn’t been confirmed by a medical professional yet but I’ve started the process with my doctor. After a particularly bad couple of weeks, I vented to a friend who brought up the possibility. I’d never considered it before (hyperactive? can’t relate) but after reading up on it, I just knew. At 41, I’ve got my high school experience, the 7 design jobs I’ve held since 2001 and my everyday life as a reference. I also consider myself to be a pretty good authority on myself so let’s just go with it.

My reason for microdosing is to increase my work performance. I’m a self employed web designer and my performance is incredibly inconsistent. Sometimes I’ll bang out 20 hours of work in 10 but most of the time I’m dragging 2–3 hours worth over a whole day. That means I spend a lot of time at my desk (including evenings & weekends) but you’d never know it by looking at my bank account. It’s just not sustainable. Back when I had jobs, I would have the same problem except I’d get to clock out at 5 and got paid regardless. That may sound like a better deal but as a single parent, the flexibility I have by being my own boss is way more valuable. Plus I was always stressing about my bosses realizing how inconsistent I was (I have a gift for pulling things off, I think a lot of people with ADHD do).

I’ve smoked weed regularly since I was about 18, pausing twice due to panic attacks in my early 20s and pregnancy later on. I started back around the time my kid turned 5 (he’s 12 now) and over the last 4 years it’s become a daily thing. I thought it was worth mentioning as this could influence my results.

I’m starting with the 50 mg Osmosis Focus blend. I kinda fucked up and ordered 2 bottles (so 60 capsules) before emailing their incredibly awesome support team for advice on microdosing. They recommended ordering sample packs before going big — they have a few blends as well as different strength options for each- but it was too late by then so here we are. So, if you’re reading this and curious to try , start with sample packs!

I took my first dose yesterday morning after a workout and aside from clammy hands and a good mood, I can’t really say I noticed anything. I didn’t get that much work done either because I spent most of my day trying to analyze how I felt. While I was a bit underwhelmed with the results, I was pretty happy that nothing weird happened. I only took shrooms once back in my 20s and am not that experimental when it comes to drugs anymore so I was a little worried I’d start wigging out or get overly anxious. I did not. Whatever’s been happening has been incredibly subtle.

I’m starting with a 4 days on and 3 days off schedule which means I took a second dose today. This time I took it a bit earlier and before my workout and I was able to wait a bit longer after dosing before eating. I had a pretty busy day and stepped out for a part of it so I can’t comment much on my work performance except to say that the tasks I’ve been procrastinating have not suddenly become more appealing. Writing this has felt pretty amazing though. I’ve been interrupted like 15 times since I started and it’s been really easy to jump right back in (something that’s not usually the case). It may not be the best most compelling writing but it’s flowing and I feel super alert. I should probably mention that it’s 6:30 PM (I dosed at 10) and I smoked some indica at around 4PM (cannabis usually increases the effects of mushrooms which I believe happened).

I’m not sure how often I’ll be writing about all of this but I intend to keep documenting my experiment because I believe it might help others. I’d love to hear from people who have questions about microdosing, I’m an open book and I’d love to share whatever I can.

